About Journal

Sturgeon Scientific Extension Journal is specialized sturgeon journal in Iran under the supervision of the Agricultural Research, Training and Extension Organization (AREEO), which was published in Persian with English abstract as bi-quarterly from the winter of 2017 in the field of scientific research on sturgeon at the International Sturgeon Research Institute.

This Journal is published to promote and transmit the latest research findings and innovations to faculty members, researchers, breeders and promoters in the field of sturgeon research and science. The final vision of the publication of the journal is to promote the professional knowledge of the scientific community, sturgeon producers and breeders in order to increase production and income, also to improve productivity in the above fields. The journal  covers all innovative aspects and the most advanced studies in the fields of sturgeon breeding, sturgeon nutrition and live food, sturgeon genetics and breeding, sturgeon ecology, sturgeon health and diseases, sturgeon aquaculture engineering, Fishing and processing of sturgeon.