Sturgeon fish culture from the larval stage to a weight of more than 20 g by feeding live food in the earth ponds

Document Type : Tarvij




One of the problems associated with rearing in the early stages of life of sturgeon species in Iran is related to feeding with commercial feed (domestic or imported). Existing feeds do not primarily provide larvae and sturgeons for proper growth. On the other hand, the demand for fish farms for juvenile sturgeon is increasing every day. For this reason, based on scientific experiences at the Center Fish Propagation, an easy and practical method to rearing of juvenile sturgeon fish was proposed. Also, the preparation of earth ponds for the production of live food for feeding larvae and juvenile sturgeon fish was described. The larvae fed of live food from start active feeding to a juvenile fish weighing more than 20 grams. The duration of the culture period in the earth ponds was 60 days in two stages of 30 days.  The first stage fish culturing was with single species and the density of the larvae varies was between from 60 to 80 thousand pieces in the earth pond. This change depends of the species (Huso huso, Acipenser persicus and Acipenser gueldenstaedti). In the second stage, it is possible to rearing a single species and the same species, with the exception of the fact that the density of the infected fish is 2-3 grams in weight, up to a maximum of 5,000 pieces per hectare. At the end of the rearing season, juvenile fish will weigh more than 20 grams. The survival rate in this method will be more than 70% in the first stage and more than 90% in the second stage. This method is quite economical and applicable in sturgeon farms.
