The impact of feeding percentage on beluga (Huso huso) culture using the water of Caspian Sea in different seasons

Document Type : Tarvij


1 MSc - International Sturgeon Research Organization of the Caspian Sea

2 MSc

3 International Sturgeon Research of the Caspian Sea

4 International Sturgeon Research Institute- Rasht- Iran

5 international sturgeon research institute


In order to study beluga (Huso huso) growth in a 7-month period (from July to the end of January), 200 fish with an average initial weight of 973.5 g were fed and reared in two concrete ponds with an area of 28 m2. Concrete ponds with a diameter of 6 m were rotated and reared densities of 3.4 kg/m2 and feed-in operations were made at the station. Fish bioassays were performed every 35 days. Fish were also fed 2-4 times a day. Temperature, oxygen, salinity and pH factors were measured daily. Temperature varied from at least 12.2 °C to 27.5 °C during the breeding period and water-soluble oxygen varied from 2.5 to 7.2 mg/l during the breeding period. Growth indices including average weight, daily growth, specific growth coefficient, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio and obesity coefficient were studied during the breeding period. During 210 days of rearing, the beluga weighed 3875 g. During this period, initial and final biomass was calculated to be 194.7 and 775 kg, respectively. The total feed intake for the whole period was 898.2 kg and the average conversion factor was about 1.5.
