The effect of environment on Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) growth from larval stage to fingerling

Document Type : Tarvij




This question of fish growers is always proposed: Does fish grow to the size of reservoir? Therefore, in order to find the answer to this question, this investigation was studied with effect of culturing place on the growth of Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso Linnaeus, 1758), from larval to fingerling stage. Beluga larvae were transferred to experimental treatments in weight of 60 mg. Experiments were carried out in three treatments, including: treatment 1 and 2 in fiberglass tanks (2×2m2) and treatment 3 in earth ponds (2 ha) in three replications and the density in rearing places were 100, 150 and 7 Fish per m3, respectively.  After 55 days of rearing period, the final weight of fish in the treatments was 2.82 ± 0.24, 2.51 ± 0.32 and 6.3 ± 0.67 g, respectively. The highest condition factors of fish fingerling were obtained in fiberglass tanks and the highest specific growth rate in earth ponds. As a result, the size and the ability to grow fingerling varies in different environmental conditions, and the density or rearing place has a significant effect on increasing the growth rate of the Beluga sturgeon from larval stage to fingerling.
