An Overview of Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897) Feeding and Cultivation

Document Type : Tarvij


1 International Sturgeon Research institute

2 International Sturgeon Reserch Center

3 International Sturgeon Research Institute.rasht

4 International Sturgeon Research Institute


   Persian sturgeon is morphologically similar to Russian sturgeon. The body of Persian sturgeon is stretched and narrow. Persian sturgeon after adaptation to the diet and by preparing the appropriate diet (considering the size of the mouth and nutritional requirements) can well adapt and grows in rearing conditions. It is possible that by increasing energy at a specified level, the protein would reduce (maximum up to 40%) as much as possible. Accordingly, production of a semi-purified diet (contain 40% crude protein, 20-26% crude fat with a protein–energy ratio of 20mg/0.238 kcal) of the primary nutritional sources with the appropriate quality to achieve maximum growth for the development of Persian sturgeon in the fingerling and grow-out stages recommended. To reduce the amount of crude fat used in the diet, you can consider the amount of crude protein, crude fat and gross energy, 45%, 15% and 5500 kcal per each kg diet, respectively. The water temperature for optimal growth of the Persian sturgeon is 19 to 25 OC. In general, it can be stated that, this species is suitable for rearing, if it is well fed and maintained in optimum conditions.
