Comparison of blood and biochemical parameters in the aquatic environment of brakish water (sea cage) and freshwater of beluga (Huso huso)

Document Type : Tarvij


1 International Sturgeon Research Institute

2 International Sturgeon Research Organization of the Caspian Sea

3 Internatinal Sturgeon Research institute

4 International Sturgeon Research Institute- Rasht- Iran

5 International Sturgeon research Institute- Rasht- Iran

6 Intrernational Sturgeon Research Institute

7 International Sturgeon Research institute


Sturgeon fishrs are an importatnt species to production of meat and caviar, which is most important to the development programmes in the field of aquatic animals. study of their physiological status in the different breeding environments in order to obtain information about the current situation and Optimal use of water resources is of particular importance due to the problem of water scarcity and drought crisis. In this study, after transferring farmed fish with an average weight of 103.40±27.5 g, they were transferred to a cage located in the Caspian Sea. The monthly blood sampling was performed from 4 fish per month, randomly. And after catching them by a fin net, blood samples were taken from 4 farmed fish (Beluga) per month, randomly. Results showed that, the amount of albumin (sea water: 0.55 ± 0.024, fresh water: 1.89 ± 0.38 (g/dl)) and blood calcium (sea water: 5.37 ± 0.024 fresh water: 14.84 ± 2.71 (mg/dl)) fish In fresh water and triglyceride content (seawater: 615.73 ± 0.024 fresh water: 330.04 ± 0.38 (mg/dl)) in brackish water showed a significant increase (p < 0.05). Also, the mentioned biochemical indices showed significant differences in different months (p < 0.05). Despite the variations in some blood biochemical indices of beluga good physiological compatibility (swimming, feeding, etc.) was observed after transferring from the cage environment to freshwater. Based on this, it will be possible to rearing beluga in the sea environment for a limited time and transfer them to fresh water based on the requirements, as well as planning for intermediate breeding.
