The effect of using salt in improving nutrition, growth process and reducing the production cost of sturgeon feed

Document Type : Tarvij


1 Lecturer. Payame Noor University of Guilan Province

2 Master of Reproduction and Breeding of Caspian Sea Sturgeon Institute of Guilan

3 Islamic Azad University, East Guilan Branch

4 Fish Nutrient Expert

5 Sturgeon Institute

6 Caspian Sea Sturgeon International Research Institute


Food and nutrition of sturgeon is one of the most important factors in the production of these fish and a major part of the cost of breeding is related to food. Researchers believe that increasing nutritional efficiency in aquaculture production depends on the constituents of nutrients such as protein, fat, supplements and micronutrients. In recent years, the use of drugs and immune system stimulant supplements in fish farming to increase the growth and strength of the immune system and protect the body against disease has become common. The use of chemical drugs in aquaculture has consequences such as the resistance of pathogens to these drugs, the persistence of drugs in the meat of fish fed to humans, as well as environmental pollution. Therefore, it seems that the use of natural supplements such as plants and minerals such as salt is a good solution to stimulate growth, increase resistance and control aquatic diseases. By affecting digestive enzymes, salt causes the absorption, digestion of food and also promotes the aquatic immune system. By using salt due to the availability and low price of this product in the diet formulation, the cost of feed production and production is reduced. Therefore, recognizing and determining optimal salt levels should be considered in the sturgeon diet, which plays an important role in improving nutrition, digestibility, growth promotion, fish health and reducing production costs.
