Use of soy protein concentrate in the diet of farmed fish with emphasis on sturgeon

Document Type : Tarvij


1 Fish Nutrient Expert

2 International Sturgeon Research Institute

3 Abzyko Company


Fish need to 30 to 50 percent of fish meal in their diet. The rapid growth of aquaculture, increasing demand and shortage of fish meal resources have led to the increase in the price of this food. in addition, quality of fish meal varies and depends on nutritional compounds, pathogens, contaminants and biogenic amines. Many researchers have done investigate on fish meal replacement in aquatic diets. In carnivorous fish, replacement fish meal with plant protein has had little success due to its anti-nutritional and low digestibility factors. In addition, fish cannot effectively use carbohydrates as an energy source compared to warm-blooded animals. Soy protein concentrate is obtained by dissolving soy defatted white flake in alcohol and acid. Alcohol eliminates alcohol-soluble carbohydrates and significantly reduces anti-nutritional factors (lecithin, trypsin inhibitors, glycine, beta-conglacycin, saponin, and oligosaccharides). These anti-nutritional factors cause intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal disorders, increased susceptibility to disease and decreased growth indices in aquatic animals. In addition, compared to fish meal, soy protein concentrate is competitive with fish meal in terms of protein, amino acids and quality. In Litopenaeus vannamei, it was possible to replace fish meal by soybean protein up to 80% without adversely affecting growth indices. In Siberian sturgeon and white sturgeon, replacement rate is reported to be between 45 and 75%. In case of obtaining the technology soy protein concentrate preparing at a reasonable cost, soy protein concentrate is a suitable source of protein instead of fish meal in the nutrition of aquatic and sturgeon in the country.
