Application of specific probiotics in improving growth and immunity in the rearing of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) juvenile

Document Type : Tarvij


1 International Sturgeon Research Institute- Rasht- Iran

2 International Sturgeon Research Institute

3 international sturgeon research institute


Probiotic bacteria are dietary supplements that have beneficial effects on the host by improving microbial changes in the gut. However, with the increase in the number of sturgeon farms in the country, special attention should be paid to increasing the growth and safety of these fish. In order to determine the effectiveness of specific probiotics, 300 Persian sturgeon in the juvenile stage with an average weight of 92.5 ± 0.5 g with doses of 0, 150, 300 and 450 mg of specific probiotics (per kg of food consumed) were fed for eight weeks. The results showed that the use of 300 mg of probiotics in food intake was more effective in order to improve the growth process and enhance the safety level of Persian sturgeon. Based on results, it can be acknowledged that the use of specific probiotics in the diet of farmed Persian sturgeon can be effective in the profitability of breeders, disease prevention and, as a result, the prosperity of the sturgeon industry in the country.
