The effect of replacing Decapsulated Artemia cysts instead of live foods on increasing the growth and survival of great sturgeon fish (Huso huso) larvae

Document Type : Tarvij



At present, one of the most important problems in rearing sturgeon fish is getting the larvae used to artificial food (concentrate). Nowadays, decapsulated Artemia cysts are used in feeding aquatic animals, especially at the larval stages of shrimp and fish. This research was conducted in International Sturgeon Research Institute to determine the effect of Artemia urmiana decapsulated cyst replacement in Huso huso larval feed on growth rate and survival rate during adaptation to artificial food. Artemia urmiana cysts with little or no hatching ability, using fresh water and chemicals sodium hypochlorite and soda, decapsulating and after deactivating active chlorine with sodium thiosulfate, dewatering and drying. It was fed by great sturgeon fish larvae directly for 4 weeks. The current research was conducted in the form of 4 diet groups (each diet with two replications) with 8000 great sturgeon larvae with an initial weight of 60 mg for 4 weeks. The results of the survival rate of great sturgeon fish larvae with the first to fourth diet are 41.4, 34.5, 41.4 and 54.9%, respectively and their growth rate was 1.92, 2.26, 2.43 and 2.25. The results showed that the rate of growth and survival of great sturgeon larvae with the fourth diet (decapsulated Artemia cysts) is higher than the first diet, i.e. the control (live Artemia nauplius, Shironomid, and frozen Artemia biomass). Therefore, according to the obtained data, it can be concluded that feeding with decapsulated Artemia urmiana cysts is effective in the growth and increase of survival rate at the larval stage of great sturgeon fish.
