Effect of thiamine on improving incubation indices of farmed great sturgeon (Huso huso)

Document Type : Tarvij


1 International Sturgeon Research Institute

2 Fisheries Department, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan

3 International sturgeon research Institute


In different stages of incubation of fertilized eggs and rearing of sturgeon larvae, a significant amount of losses occur, therefore, considering the small number of natural and farmed breeders suitable for reproduction and also the high cost of keeping breeders in order to produce meat and Caviar, it is inevitable to pay attention to the quality of reproduction of sturgeon and breeding of larvae and juveniles in order to rehabilitate stocks and improve growth conditions in artificial environments. Thiamine is the first vitamin discovered from group B and an inhibitor (antagonism) for the activity of acetylcholine and consists of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur elements.
Decreasing the amount of thiamine in eggs causes a syndrome called early mortality syndrome (EMS). According to the results, when eggs or larvae with yolk sac are treated with thiamine through immersion or bath method, the symptoms of EMS syndrome are significantly reduced.
The results of the present study showed that immersing Huso huso eggs after fertilization, in thiamine solution for 30 minutes at the rate of 1000 mg thiamine per liter of water, can lead to increase in growth and survival of larvae..
