The food used in the cage to feed the fish must contain sufficient levels of protein and energy, be balanced in terms of amino acids and fatty acids, and have appropriate amounts of mineral and vitamin supplements. If settling foods for fish with lower mouths are used (e.g. sturgeon), small cages may require feeding trays to minimize food wastage. These rectangular trays can be made with 2 mm galvanized or plastic mesh and suspended at a depth of 15 to 45 cm from the water surface. For sturgeon, feeding in cage should be done slowly so that the fish has enough time to consume food. Feeding the fish should be done in such a way that the food is eaten in 15 minutes. If the fish cannot consume the given food during this period of time or if the fish stops consuming food, feeding should be reduced or not done until the fish's appetite returns. Feeding in the cage is mainly done by hand. But automatic feeders can also be used to feed fish in cages (especially in large cages). Caged fish should be fed at least 6 days a week and 3 times a day. Fish feeding is stopped due to bad weather conditions, poor water quality or disease.