Biofloc technology as the tool for water quality management in aquaculture

Document Type : Tarvij


Researcher of International Sturgeon Research Institute


In recent years, the use of biofloc as a breeding method to maintain water quality, reduce the cost of food consumed in the breeding environment and minimize the discharge of wastewater to the aquatic ecosystem has been considered. Biofloc is a combination of bacteria, algae, protozoa, zooplankton, ciliates, flagellates, fungi, rotifers and other aquatic organisms. Therefore, biofloc is a system that uses microbial biotechnology to convert toxic substances such as nitrogen components into a useful product in aquaculture. On this basis, biofloc is an excellent technology used to develop an aquaculture system under limited or zero water exchange with high fish density, strong aeration and live (microbial) biota. This system has appropriate biosecurity, compatible with the environment and sustainable economic production. So the researchers' research emphasized biofloc systems as a new face of microbial biotechnology with arguments for the development of this system in better aquaculture production with limited natural water resources. Since the aquaculture environment depends on the physico-chemical and biological quality of water on the one hand, and on the other hand, this environment is a fragile and sensitive environment, so proper management using biofloc system can play a vital and effective role in aquaculture.
